Surprise! Lillian on Life on BBC Radio 4's A Good Read!

The other day I had a text from my neighbor telling me she’d almost driven into a hedge because she’d heard my first novel being discussed on the radio. I would have driven into a hedge too, as I hadn’t had any warning that Lillian on Life was Harriett Gilbert’s pick for discussion with Mathew Baynton and Aasmah Mir on BBC4’s A Good Read. Listen to the whole show for discussions of Iain Banks’s The Crow Road and George Saunders’s Tenth of December as well. Jump to their thoughts on Lillian from 18m30s.


Singapore Launch

On January 30, one day after Lillian on Life came out in the UK, we had our launch event here in Singapore. Many thanks to the Alliance Française for hosting and making sure there was wine! Many thanks to Penguin Books for making sure there was food as well as books!

The opportunity to read from both the French and English versions to so many good friends and enthusiastic readers made the moment very special.

Advance Praise from Kate Atkinson

What a thrill and honor it was to learn that Kate Atkinson enjoyed reading Lillian on Life during the summer holidays. I've been a big fan since I read Started Early, Took My Dog. She's incredibly versatile, and never quite what I expect. Here's what she said:

"I absolutely loved Lillian on Life. It was a delight. The style of it so fresh and clever and subversive and there’s something very brave about it."